Saturday, May 12, 2007

Is this a neat concept, a homeless man building an online business with nothing more than a cell phone,a prepaid debit Card,and a library computer(sometime 90 minutes is just not enough)

ps If someone does have an old laptop laying around, please I could use it.
ok its saterday and theirs nothing to do. Well there is the farmers market. :) I wish I could post another pic today,but time is almost up on the library computer, and Im almost out of minutes on my cellphone. Hopefully soon I could be able to work and be able to afford a laptop. Till next time. :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

just another day....

Yesterday I paid the 9 bucks for my new ID card. The DMV confiscated my old expired Missippi one and told me I had to wait 2 weeks for my new ID. Well, they could not print up a receipt for me wich made no sence, so Im without any photo id for 2 more weeks. Im also without work and money to buy smokes with. This is gonna suck! Whats more crazy is they could have printed up and lamenated my ID card onsite. The person in front of me at that place got her ID the same day. The explaination was to me is this. If you never had held a Wisconsin ID they have to mail your new one to you (and it takes them two weeks!). I can't buy smokes without proper photo ID. So if you see me bumin for smokes thats why. I hate begging!!!,but I also go nuts without coffee and nicotine(the only to drug habbits I have) well my times almost up on this library computer. So I'll be posting soon.

P.S. if someone has an older laptop they are not using, I could really use one. Library computers are limted and blogging from a cell phone is getting expensive. I only have $20.00 in minutes left and its a tmobile to go phone. Thanks

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Im at the dmv, the waiting is driuing me nuts! Soon i'll have my i.d and i can get a job :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

why does this not work?

For some reason my t-mobile razr can not send pics correctly to my blog. This is why I need a laptop. So if anyone out there can donate an older laptop for my blog please contact me. Thanks.
This is james when i first met him

This is me

what am I doing here?

Well, I'm homeless and in Madison,WI Mad City is a very unique place with all kinds of people. I will be blogging my experiences here and hopefully climb out of the sink hole I got my self into. So check back I will be posting pics,vids,and my chaotic thoughts about town when around town.

google search
